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Brown rice vs white rice

Rice is among the most abundant food crops on the planet. For over 5,000 years it has been an important food staple and half of the world’s population depends on it.


Structure of white rice

White rice is made from brown rice. White rice is made by refining brown rice and removing its husk, oil-rich bran, nutritious germ and the rest of its outer layer.

Rice does not have sugar in it, but it does have starch. Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many pieces of a type of sugar called glucose.

When you eat rice the starch is broken down into glucose by the body and is released into the bloodstream. This raises your blood sugar levels.


How is brown rice helpful for diabetes..

Brown rice contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The vitamin B thiamin found in brown rice helps with carbohydrate metabolism. The fiber in brown rice helps improve heart health, reduce bad cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. The fiber in brown rice slows down the process of digestion which in turn slows the process of releasing sugar into the blood stream.


So can we eat a handful of brown rice….

In addition to lots of fiber brown rice also contains vitamins B1, B3, E, K, magnesium, iron, zinc and protein. Brown rice is also low on glycemic index. Brown rice has a glycemic index of 55 which has less of starch. Apart from the above nutrients brown rice being a whole grain mainly contains carbohydrates and some protein so brown rice should be consumed in less quantity.


The bottom line….

Brown rice is perfectly safe to eat in moderation if you have diabetes. However you should still watch your portion size and pair brown rice with other healthy foods such as lean protein to help keep your blood sugar levels in check.

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