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Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Diabetic foot ulcers are commonly caused due to poor control of diabetes. They are most commonly found under your big toes and balls of your feet. The most common start to ulcers in those with diabetes are dry feet, fissuring (cracks), deformity , rubbing and pressure from tight shoes. If you continue this practice a small ulcer may turn into a more serious wound and cause infection. Poor blood circulation and nerve damage of foot can also lead to foot ulcers.

15% diabetic people develop foot ulcers during their lifetime. Approximately 3-4% diabetic patients are at risk of developing major foot ulcers and infections. Also 14-17% diabetic patients suffer from never damage (Neuropathy).

Can foot ulcers be prevented? What measures can be taken at home?
Foot care is most essential for diabetic patients to prevent foot ulcers.

These simple steps help in taking care of our feet.

  • Foot hygiene
  • Daily inspection
  • Proper footwear

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